Prolactin Levels and Fertility: What’s The Connection?

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Arva Health Team


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3 oranges and a book on a white mat, 1 orange is cut open in half
3 oranges and a book on a white mat, 1 orange is cut open in half

Do Prolactin levels affect fertility?

Ever heard of prolactin? 🤔

Prolactin is best known for its role in milk production after childbirth. This hormone plays a crucial role in many bodily functions, especially during lactation. 🍼

But for women considering egg freezing, it takes on particular significance. It also plays a key part in regulating ovulation, the monthly release of an egg from the ovaries.

Balanced prolactin levels are essential for a healthy reproductive system. When prolactin gets too high (hyperprolactinemia), it can disrupt ovulation, making it difficult to get pregnant naturally or through assisted reproductive technologies like egg freezing.

This blog post will delve into the hormonal world of prolactin, explore how it impacts egg freezing success, and guide you on how you can test your prolactin levels.

What is prolactin?

Prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland, a small gland located at the base of the brain. Its primary function is to stimulate milk production in women after childbirth. However, prolactin also has several other roles:

  1. Reproductive Health: Prolactin helps regulate the menstrual cycle and supports reproductive functions in women.

  2. Immune System: It plays a role in modulating the immune system.

  3. Metabolism: Prolactin affects fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

  4. Behavior: It has an impact on behavior and mood.

Why are prolactin levels important?

Maintaining balanced prolactin levels is crucial for overall health. Abnormal prolactin levels can indicate various health conditions, such as:

  1. Hyperprolactinemia: Elevated prolactin levels, known as hyperprolactinemia, can lead to symptoms like irregular menstrual cycles, infertility, and galactorrhea (unexpected milk production). It can also cause sexual dysfunction in men.

  2. Hypoprolactinemia: Low prolactin levels are less common but can be associated with pituitary gland disorders or conditions affecting the hypothalamus.

When is prolactin testing done?

Prolactin testing is typically recommended in several situations:

  1. Irregular Menstrual Cycles: Women experiencing irregular or absent menstrual cycles may undergo prolactin testing to identify potential hormonal imbalances.

  2. Infertility: Both men and women undergoing fertility evaluations may have their prolactin levels tested to rule out hormonal causes of infertility.

  3. Galactorrhea: Unexpected milk production in women (or men) who are not breastfeeding can prompt prolactin testing.

  4. Pituitary Disorders: Symptoms suggesting a pituitary gland issue, such as vision problems or unexplained headaches, may lead to prolactin testing.

  5. Sexual Dysfunction: Men with symptoms of low testosterone or sexual dysfunction may be tested for prolactin levels.

How is prolactin testing performed?

Prolactin testing is a straightforward blood test that measures the level of prolactin in the blood. Here’s how the process typically works:

  1. Preparation: You may be advised to fast for several hours before the test and avoid activities that can affect prolactin levels, such as intense exercise or stress.

  2. Sample Collection: A healthcare provider will draw a blood sample, usually from a vein in your arm.

  3. Laboratory Analysis: The blood sample is sent to a laboratory for analysis to determine the prolactin levels.

Here’s what the results may mean:

  1. Elevated Prolactin Levels: High levels can be due to pregnancy, prolactinoma (a benign pituitary tumor), hypothyroidism, kidney disease, or certain medications.

  2. Low Prolactin Levels: Low levels may suggest pituitary dysfunction or hypothalamic disease.

What are some causes of Abnormal Prolactin Levels?

Several factors can influence prolactin levels:

  1. Medications: Antipsychotics, antidepressants, and certain blood pressure medications can raise prolactin levels.

  2. Stress: Physical, emotional or mental stress can temporarily increase prolactin levels.

  3. Medical Conditions: Conditions like hypothyroidism, liver disease, and kidney disease can affect prolactin production.

  4. Pituitary Tumors: Prolactinomas are benign tumors of the pituitary gland that can significantly increase prolactin levels.

How do I manage abnormal prolactin levels?

Treatment for abnormal prolactin levels depends on the underlying cause:

  1. Medications: Dopamine agonists like bromocriptine and cabergoline are commonly used to lower elevated prolactin levels.

  2. Surgery: In cases of large pituitary tumors, surgical removal may be necessary.

  3. Treating Underlying Conditions: Addressing hypothyroidism or other contributing conditions can help normalise prolactin levels.

  4. Adjusting Medications: If medications are causing high prolactin levels, your doctor may adjust your prescription.

Prolactin levels and egg freezing

While egg freezing is a proactive approach to preserving fertility, hormonal levels tend to affect success rates. Here's how prolactin levels come into play:

  • Impact on Egg Maturation: High prolactin levels can hinder the proper growth and development of follicles, the fluid-filled sacs in the ovaries that house maturing eggs. This can lead to a lower egg quality or reduced number of eggs retrieved for freezing.

  • Disrupted Ovulation Cycle: Prolactin can interfere with the delicate hormonal balance that triggers ovulation. This can lead to irregular or absent periods, making it challenging to start medications or time the egg retrieval process during a natural cycle.

Fortunately, a simple blood test can measure prolactin levels. That’s why at Arva we’ve come up with our at-home fertility test that helps you test prolactin levels and other hormones such as estrogen, LH, FSH, and other hormones that give you a holistic overview of your fertility.

If your doctor identifies elevated prolactin, treatment options are available to bring it back into balance. This can significantly improve the quality of your eggs retrieved for freezing and ultimately, your chances of a successful pregnancy later when you use the frozen eggs.

How Arva can help you on your health journey

At Arva, we are committed to supporting your overall health and well-being. Our comprehensive services include:

  • Hormonal Assessments: We offer thorough evaluations to help identify potential hormonal imbalances.

  • Expert Guidance: Our team of specialists provides personalized advice and treatment options based on your unique needs.

  • Supportive Resources: From educational materials to emotional support groups, we equip you with the tools you need to navigate your health journey.

Take our affordable fertility test today to get a sneak peek at your hormonal profile or contact us to understand how our team and network of doctors can help you better.

Remember, we’re by your side, every step of the way!❤️



1. What is prolactin?

Prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland that plays a key role in lactation, reproductive health, immune system function, and metabolism.

2. Why might I need a prolactin test?

Prolactin testing is often recommended for irregular menstrual cycles, infertility, unexpected milk production, symptoms of pituitary disorders, and sexual dysfunction.

3. How is a prolactin test performed?

A prolactin test is a blood test where a sample is drawn from a vein in your arm and analyzed in a laboratory to measure prolactin levels.

4. What are the symptoms of high prolactin levels?

Symptoms of high prolactin levels include irregular menstrual cycles, infertility, galactorrhea, sexual dysfunction, and symptoms of pituitary disorders.

5. How are abnormal prolactin levels treated?

Treatment depends on the cause but may include medications like dopamine agonists, surgery for pituitary tumors, and addressing underlying conditions like hypothyroidism.

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Pioneering fertility care, reimagined for India—on your terms.

This site is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you're looking for medical advice, we suggest talking with a qualified physician.

55, 4th A Main, 5th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore, 560095

© 2024 Arva Health

Pioneering fertility care, reimagined for India—on your terms.

This site is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you're looking for medical advice, we suggest talking with a qualified physician.

55, 4th A Main, 5th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore, 560095

© 2024 Arva Health

Pioneering fertility care, reimagined for India—on your terms.

This site is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you're looking for medical advice, we suggest talking with a qualified physician.

55, 4th A Main, 5th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore, 560095

© 2024 Arva Health