What are Top 6 Signs of High Fertility in Women? - Arva Health

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Arva Health Team

12 Jul 2024

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Flowers blooming from fruits
Flowers blooming from fruits

We talk a lot about infertility — what it is, when you should start thinking about it, the challenges it can bring, and the options you might have after. 

But a big part of family planning is also recognising the signs of high fertility in women, AKA checking in on your reproductive health as well. 

For those looking to conceive, knowing the signs of high fertility in a woman can help you understand how to stay in sync with your body.

And if you're not in the "trying to conceive" mindset either, knowing if there's an issue with your reproductive health can help you be proactive about your fertility in the present.

Ready to dive in and know all about signs of highly fertile women?

What are some signs of high fertility in a woman?

Understanding how your reproductive health is like can seem like a confusing journey. That's why we recommend a fertility test to get started.

This can help you understand your current hormonal levels and can also serve as a baseline to get started.

Some indicators of a good fertility level that you should be looking out for include:

1. High Antral Follicle Count

Your Antral Follicle Count is essentially the number of eggs you have reserved for baby-making. It's called that because every egg is encased inside an ovarian follicle.

During a transvaginal ultrasound, your doctor can actually see the number of follicles in your ovaries.

More follicles = high ovarian reserve = good stash of eggs ready for fertilization!

And don't worry, it is normal for your ovarian reserve to decline over time. But if it happens in an accelerated manner, or is less at a very young age, you may need to discuss the issue with your healthcare provider.

2. Regular periods

If we haven't said it enough, tracking your period is essential. Especially when you're trying to conceive.

Regular periods are basically like a built-in ovulation calendar (and lets you know the duration of your cycle), because you can easily pinpoint when you're most likely to ovulate, and plan around it.

Planning some fun baby making nights around your ovulation window can help increase chances of conception!

3. A Change in Your Cervical Mucus

Ok hear us out. At different stages of your cycle, your discharge (AKA cervical mucus) looks different. Watch closely, because when it starts resembling the consistency and colour of egg whites that's peak fertility, baby!

The mucus at this stage is more dilute and helps sperm find their way to the egg, and even naturally lube your cervix up for more enjoyable sex.

4. Healthy levels of AMH

Ok you might know the number, but do you know the health? AMH tests give us insights into your egg count and the health of your ovarian reserve.

When your AMH levels are healthy, it means your ovaries are in good shape for those "trying to conceive" days. It's like having the inside scoop on your egg reserve!

5. (Relatively) chill period symptoms

As per popular myth, you may ask: are painful periods a sign of good fertility?

And we're here to say: No🤨

The occasional painkiller for some months, sure. But pain, to the point where it stops you from your daily activities?

Yeah that's when that call to the gynecologist is needed 😮‍💨

Even if your periods are regular, having excessive pain or too much blood flow could indicate an underlying issue.

Regular periods with a decent flow and pain? That on the other hand, can be a healthy marker!

6. Healthy BMI

BMI plays a key role as it affects your fertility as well. Having a BMI of less than 18.5 or greater than 24.9 can cause hormone imbalances that affect ovulation and chances of getting pregnant.

But the good news is that even minor changes in weight, depending on your BMI can positively contribute to boosting those fertility levels!

Healthy eating and getting some physical movement in, can be things to start out with, and incorporate into your routine!

Other signs of High Fertility in women

In addition to the 6 signs mentioned above, there are a few other indicators that you might find helpful to know whether you’re a highly fertile woman or not!

Increased Sex Drive: Many women report feeling more "in the mood" during their fertile window, which is the body's way of encouraging baby-making activities. The hormonal surge during ovulation can make a fertile woman feel more passionate and desirable.

Lower Abdominal Pain: Mild cramping or a slight twinge of pain on one side of the lower abdomen, known as mittelschmerz, can signal that ovulation is occurring. This pain is caused by the stretching of the ovarian wall as the follicle releases the egg.

Mid-Cycle Spotting: Seeing a small amount of light pink or brown spotting around the middle of your cycle can be a sign of ovulation in a fertile woman. As the mature follicle ruptures to release the egg, a little bleeding may occur. This spotting is typically lighter and shorter than a period.

Breast Tenderness: Sore or tender breasts can be another ovulation symptom and sign of high fertility in women. The hormonal changes, particularly the rise in estrogen and progesterone, can cause breast discomfort around the time of ovulation.

Increased Sense of Smell: Some women notice a heightened sense of smell in the latter half of their cycle, which could be related to rising estrogen levels. This heightened sensitivity may make certain scents more noticeable or appealing to a fertile woman.

Change in Cervical Position: During ovulation, the cervix rises higher, becomes softer, and opens slightly to allow sperm to pass through. While checking cervical position takes practice, it can be another useful fertility sign to track.

Signs of Poor Fertility

On the flip side, there are also some red flags that could indicate a woman's fertility isn't at its peak:

  • Irregular or absent periods

  • Painful, heavy periods

  • Hormonal imbalances like PCOS

  • Underlying health conditions (thyroid disorders, endometriosis, etc.)

If you notice any of these signs, it's a good idea to check in with a doctor, schedule a fertility test to see what's going on, and discuss options to improve fertility. 

How to know if you have high Fertility?

Wondering how to keep tabs on all these fertility signs? Tracking your cycle is key! Here are a few methods to try:

  • Ovulation Tests: Ovulation predictor kits measure luteinizing hormone (LH) in your urine, which surges 24-48 hours before ovulation. A positive test indicates your fertile window is approaching.

  • Basal Body Temperature: Your BBT rises slightly after ovulation due to progesterone. Taking your temperature every morning before getting out of bed can help you pinpoint ovulation retrospectively.

  • Cycle Apps: From simple period trackers to ones that use algorithms to predict your fertile window, there are tons of apps out there to help monitor your cycle and identify your most fertile days.

What are the top supplements to improve Fertility?

While no supplement is a magic bullet for getting pregnant, there are a few that may support overall reproductive health:

  • Prenatal Vitamin: Look for one with folate, iron, calcium, and vitamin D to help cover any nutritional gaps and support a healthy pregnancy from the start.

  • Coenzyme Q10: CoQ10 is an antioxidant that may improve egg quality and ovarian response, especially in women over 35. It helps cells produce energy and protects against oxidative damage.

  • Omega-3s: Essential fatty acids like DHA are important for hormone production and regulation. Omega-3s may help improve egg quality and reduce inflammation in the reproductive tract.

As always, check with your doctor before starting any new supplement regiment to make sure it's safe and appropriate for you.

A final note from us at Arva

Checked off all these boxes?

Great! You're ready to start your baby-making sessions😛

But remember that high fertility doesn't guarantee success right away. Speaking to a fertility specialist can give you personalized guidance and even emotional support through your journey.

We're always with you, so don't hesitate to reach out if you just need to talk. Interested in having a chat about fertility? Click here.

Take control of your fertility journey today - schedule your Arva Fertility Test and consultation to understand your reproductive health and make informed decisions about your future.


1. What happens when a woman's fertility is high?

When a woman's fertility is high, it means she has a greater chance of achieving pregnancy during her fertile window. This typically occurs around mid-cycle, when an egg is released from the ovary (ovulation). Some signs of good fertility can be regular menstrual cycles, cervical mucus changes, and increased basal body temperature.

2. What makes a woman extremely fertile?

While individual factors vary, some attributes are generally associated with a highly fertile woman:

  • Age: Fertility peaks in the early to mid-20s, to 30s, gradually declining with age.

  • Overall health: A balanced diet, regular exercise, and healthy weight contribute to optimal reproductive health.

  • Stress levels: Chronic stress can disrupt ovulation and hormone function.

  • Underlying medical conditions: Addressing any health concerns can improve fertility potential.

3. What makes a woman conceive faster?

While no guaranteed methods exist, certain practices can increase the chances of conception such as:

  • Tracking your fertile window: Identifying ovulation timing through methods like cycle tracking or ovulation kits.

  • Timing intercourse: Having sex regularly, especially around ovulation, maximizes the chances of conception.

  • Seeking medical advice: Consult a doctor for personalized guidance and address any fertility concerns.

4. What increases the chances of fertility?

There are several factors that can help improve the chances of fertility. Taking the right nutrients and vitamins, avoiding smoking, excessive alcohol intake and engaging in stress-reducing activities, and maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle can help increase the chances of fertility.

5. How do you know if you have a high fertility rate?

High fertility in women is indicated by regular menstrual cycles, healthy cervical mucus, optimal hormone levels (AMH, FSH), a healthy BMI, and minimal PMS symptoms.

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This site is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you're looking for medical advice, we suggest talking with a qualified physician.

Copyright © Arva Health Pvt Ltd. 2025

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of Fertility Care

This site is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you're looking for medical advice, we suggest talking with a qualified physician.

Copyright © Arva Health Pvt Ltd. 2025

Book, track, & manage your fertility

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of Fertility Care

This site is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you're looking for medical advice, we suggest talking with a qualified physician.

Copyright © Arva Health Pvt Ltd. 2025